Re: Incredible True Tales, Totally True This Time
From: Aunt Trudy (
Dear assorted nieces and nephews, I know the following to be a true story. I got the gist of it from Readers Digest and the rest from the INTERNEST, you should let its inspirational plot be an inspiration and completely applicable to your day to day lives, and more importantly absolute proof of our faith. As a further show of dedication you should forward this message to everyone in your e-mail list book or else face spooky bad luck. SPOOOKKYYYY.
In May of 2007, Steve Trachsel went for a hike in New Mexico's famous Carlsbad Caverns, he had such a wondrous hike marveling in God's creation that he lost track of time and his location. Before he knew it he was lost deep in the dark caves. The only thing Steve had to guide him was the light of faith shining from deep in his heart, and also a kerosene lantern.
Steve didn't panic as he knew that God had a plan for him, like he does for all of us, and that he would make it through alright. As he was calmly strolling in his search for the exit Trachsel froze on the spot.
He struggled to hold his lantern steady as it swung from side to side the lantern sprayed the light all over the place. It's oscillating beams did not let Steve get a good look at exactly where the sound he heard was coming from. What on Earth could that noise be?
Trachsel was finally able to steady himself and point the lantern at the source of the mysterious noise. IT WAS A RATTLESNAKE!!!! The rattlesnake was leering at him from inside a strangely shaped white rock. As Traschel slowly backed away from the snake he realized that the snake wasn't in a skull shaped white rock at all. The RATTLESNAKE WAS IN A HUMAN SKULL.....AND THE HUMAN SKULL WAS CONNECTED VIA SPINAL COLUMN TO A HUMAN SKELETON SEATED ON THE CAVE FLOOR.
Steve was overtaken by fear, he was scared to turn and run worried he would become hopelessly lost if he did so. As Traschel began to feel that all his faith was gone he noticed that the skeleton was cradling something in its arms. IT WAS A HOLY BIBLE: KING JAMES EDITION.
Trachsel edged forward, the snake rattled again but appeared to calm as Steve reached down and grasped the Bible in his hands. Just as Steve lifted the Bible up high the snake lunged forward to stick its teeth into Steve. Not only would this bite really really sting, the rattlesnake would then inject hemotoxic venom through its hollow teeth that causes internal organs to be eaten away from the inside out. REMEMBER God has made all of his creations in his own image.....air-go God is terrifying.
Now it may have been Steve's Supraspinatus muscle, or it may have been divine intervention, but regardless Steve lifted the Bible faster than anyone has ever "lifted a Bible in front of a rattlesnake in the Carlsbad Caverns" the Holy Tome rose right into the path of the Snakes hemotoxins. The Snakes teeth penetrated right through the front cover of the Bible and came to rest on the 14 page right on Genesis 3:15. Steve was spared from the serpents grasp thanks to staying calm, having faith, and lifting the Bible very quickly so the snake didn't bite him.
Huh? How about that symbolism? Of course we all that that Bible verse the snakes teeth came to rest on was about how God cursed the Serpent for doing some pretty lame stuff. That's pretty deep and miraculous isn't it? Well, I certainly am satisfied about the existence of God and the safety of my soul for all eternity after hearing that TRUE TRUTH.
Oh, and much like the prior lost hiker Steve quickly succumbed to dehydration deep in the tunnels.
Aunt Trudy