Far too early to be creative so instead here's a blog from the past...
If your anything like me there's something that you have to do before you get your day started. Something that if you don't do, it throws your whole day off. for some poeple it's something simple like showering or eating breakfast, for others it might be going to the gym, or reading the newspaper, maybe even watching the sports highlights. But if your anything like me it's watching teletubbies on pbs kids. I've heard some people call teletubbies "a show for babies" but they're wrong, teletubbies can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of age, If you ask me teletubbies is not "a show for babies", but in fact, the perfect show, and here's why...
1) simplicity: you have four characters: tinky-winky, dipsy, lala, and poe. All of them are colour coded and are different sizes, so you'll never get confused, they don't spring random characters on you all of a sudden. You can be confident that when you sit down to watch an episode of teletubbies, you won't see anything other then these four characters (with the exception of the occasional bunny rabbit, and baby in the sun)
2) No plot: How many times has this,or something like this happened to you? Your watching an episode of the OC when you make a comment that you haven't seen marissa in awhile. people give you a weird look and proceed to tell you that marissa is dead. terrible isn't it? but thats what happens on most tv shows with a basic plot, things change. But not teletubbies, nothing ever changes in teletubby land, missed yesterdays episode? doesn't matter, todays episode will have absolutely nothing to do with it.
3) sensory stimulation: there's so many colours, and lots of music, and dancing.
4) educational value: not only will you be entertained beyond your wildest dreams, but you'll learn valuable life lessons. Today for example I found out what a circle looks like, and that sharing can be fun. won't learn that anywhere else.
5) tummy vision: how many so called 'adult shows" have tummy vision? thats right, zero!
Now the only problem with teletubbies is that sometimes when my friends ask me what happened, I can never seem to recall, it's so good that everything just seems to blend together into one enormous happy blur . so today while watching i brought down my notebook, and took somewhat detailed notes on what was happening scene by scene....
The epsidode started like all other episodes, with the theme song, and then that magical fan whirling, and then that speakerphone thingy coming out of the ground and announcing "it's time for teletubbies" the teletubbies then emerge from behind the hills and proceed to introduce themselves in case of the unlikely event that you forgot who was who, or have never seen the show. The teletubbies then join hands and do a poorly choreographed dance though the hills of teletubby land.
The next scene starts with a blank yellow screen, then poe appears, and dances and soon multiplies while the narrator (who has a lovely soothing british accent) counts the number of poe's. This continues until three, then the screen changes to orange and the same thing happens with lala. no sign of dipsy (my favourite teletubby) or tinky winky (my least favourite teletubby)
hooray! dipsy is here in the next scene with poe. They walk in a circular motion dropping different colours of sand where they have walked. In the end they have formed a circle. they stop and look at the circle confused, fortunately the narrator informs them it is a circle. dipsy and poe proceed to say the word 'circle" while giggling. the circle then dissapears and the process is repeated.
Tummy vision time!! on todays tummy vision we peer into dipsy's tummy and see a group of british children making art with coloured sand. I'm concerned with the lack of parental supervision, not so much for the kids sake, but for the arts sake. My fears prove to be true and the final product is substandard.
The next scene is perhaps my favourite of the day. A swing magically appears in teletubby land in front of lala. lala seems unsure of this swing, but eventually conquers any doubts and proceeds to ride the swing. Poe appears soon after and stands beside the swing, swinging her arms in unison with lala's swinging. both of them seem overjoyed. This goes on for awhile until the narrator suggests that maybe lala should share the swing with poe. Lala thinks this is a great idea, and lets poe on the swing, but disaster soon strikes as poe falls of the swing (and by fall i mean get off the swing, spin around a few times, do an odd dance, and fall to the ground...perhaps the least believable fall ever, but i'm not sure i could handle the stress of poe falling for realsies) anyways this continues for her first three times , but then lala shows her how and on her fourth attempt she succeeds. she is a wonderful swinger.
The final scene focuses on some bunny rabbits for a minute, then switches over to the teletubbies who have their arms linked and seem to be playing a game of copy cat. tinky winky does one action and then the others proceed to copy him. this ranges from simple actions such as moving their fingers to very complex actions such as jumping or balancing on one foot. (poe seems to have trouble with the balancing, perhaps the reason she had trouble on the swing) The speakerphone then rises from the ground and announces that it's time for the teletubies to say goodbye. they say there goodbye's then proceed to a jump into the hole where i can only assume they live. thus concluding another incredible episode.
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