Now not only is Titanic a giant baked good for kids, but now the Hindenburg is a prominently featured poster at a terrible arcade for kids.
It's posed right like it was before it a'sploded...floating in the air. Just think of all those colourfully drawn people from the poster who burned up. Do you want that imaginary blood on your hands Charles? Our imaginary readership wouldn't take to kindly to a mouse doused in imaginary blood. (X2 JOKE POINTS FOR RHYMING)
Maybe if the Hindenburg had a lying old lady like the Titanic I would be less aghast at this. She lied and stole and threw that necklace into the ocean for this, if an old lady threw a photo locket off the balcony and into the depths of New Jersey I think that would make for a dramatic movie climax as well.
I understand that Titanic was (and my movie idea Hindenburg 2000! would make) a popular and profitable movie...but people remember it actually happened right? This isn't like making a shoot-asteroids at the Earth Armageddon type arcade game. Or a much more serious and boring talking about shooting asteroids at the Earth Deep Impact style arcade/lecture game.
I go to Chuck E Cheese to have fun, these things and terrible games only bring me down, the Head Cheese's (PUN) working there seem to imagine people think of Chuck E Cheese as a terrible casino, with disaster themed slot machines and spider ring prizes.
The only games I like are games that involve balls, skeetball, regular basketball, childrens' basketball, photo-booth ball, hover-ball thing, Ninja Turtles in Time Arcade Ball Game, pushing kids in the ball pit, and of course elderly basketball. Tickets are an ancillary prize to be enjoyed when the winning at everything is done, really I wish that tokens were a redeemable prize where in theory if you sink enough hoops playing oldsketball you could play forever.
Sadly that's not reality, the reality I live in involves Titanic-based tomfoolery and Morgan Freeman narrated asteroid lectures, or maybe even Morgan Freeman Rainy Driving: The Game.
This is Morgan Freeman.
I am still too weak from my accident to type legibly and stumbled on this site while looking for the informative "Tryin' to rent" blog to search for a new home that suits my wheelchair bound needs....also somewhere with less rain would be great.
I have no idea why I divulged all of that personal information when the entire reason for leaving this comment was to condemn Ryanandbrent for being big meanies and that I will never play him and or her in any movie.
Yours truly, Morgan Freeman
(As dictated to assistant as Morgan was too angry to continue typing in his state....dictation also explains the plot hole that this comment was typed legibly)
Mr. Freeman come back! I didn't mean it. I'm assuming that that terrible, plot-destroying thing in Batman that could hear every cell phone call ever exists, and that you have one, and that it can also hear the sound of typing as well to entice you back.
I have a wonderful documentary idea, it's about how since your accident you appreciate how valuable life is. So you make a list of things to do before you kick the bucket..a "bucket list" if you will.
Tentative title: "10 Things I Hate About Dying"
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