I feel strongly that agricultural fairs are an antiquated system of fun deliverance and are obsolete in a much more modern world full of talking picture frames and rapping video games. (X2 JOKE MULTIPLIER FOR RHYMING)
....and also those midway basketball hoops are nowhere near regulation size.
So it was with great trepidation that I agreed to go this week. Knowing that I had often stated "I am never going to the Ex." and "If you see me at the CNE feel free to push me into various fountains" I knew I needed a disguise of some sort. Something that people who know me would know I would never wear. Luckily the Little League World Series sent me a blessed idea from the heavens that arrived on an oversized, ugly, un-brimmed chariot.
The squintyness was not part of the disguise either, it was just really bright or something.
I also like how I have smile lines on my cheeks and that my lips are kinda curled into a smile, but nothing on the rest of my face indicates happiness....I couldn't even fake that I liked the Ex.
But it wasn't all bad, apart from feeling bad for all the gigantic livestock wandering around we also got to go to the farm pavilion and see some farm animals (zing! Take that fat people, I know you're not used to being made fun of, but someone had to say it), farm animals who apparently think I smell like something they enjoy smelling.
Thank god there is no pictoral evidence of when they started butting heads and scared me and made me scream like a lady.
The other part where I had fun was when me and my friends were all like "Do you think those firemen will spray us if we ask nicely?" And then we all giggled and ran up to them and jumped up and down and yelled "spray me! spray me! I bet you can't spray me!" And then they sprayed us, and it was soooo much fun.
Final Brent Grade for CNE: 2 stars out of 5.
Then on the way home the 427 was closed so I had to take highway 27 instead, on the long country roads I could actually see the stars through my moon-roof, they were very pretty.
Final Brent Grade for Stars: 4 CNE's out of 5.
i offered you bison
and i still maintain that pic of you and the kids looks wrong, especially given that it follows the one of you and the sheep ;)
*ZING* score one for Pinka!
I'm not sure if you're trying to compare the genitals of a sheep to those of a child...or what you were trying to say.
But from personal experience the two are nothing alike.
the scottish in you really shows here ;)
you should post the pic of the mannequin + wheelbarrow on the end to summarize
That mannequin could've just been resting on that wheelbarrow....
also to clarify my earlier comment
I meant specifically that sheep's penises are much more satisfying than a small boys'.
wow i need more coffee. i just about called you a cannibal XD
i am more awake now. what i had accidentally almost implied was that you were eating sheep hoo-haas. (not sure of the spelling). re-reading that, i STILL need more coffee
*BANGS FIST ON TABLE* i demand more readingness
i retract my statement. i shant have time to read for i am about to be engulfed by the tacky piece of architecture known only as the elusive OCAD.
unrelated: my word verification word was "ppbox" LMAO.
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