I have a baseball pitcher/punching related hypothesis, hence the totally appropriate pitcher picture accompaniment.
It's double appropriate as the Rays and Red Sox have started their first series since this brawl.
My favorite part of this picture is how from this angle it totally looks like James Shields is connecting with this punch.
Shouldn't pitchers be awesome at punching stuff? Their whole job involves whipping their arm to maximum velocity, which would seem to dovetail with punching stuff nicely.
But brawls have shown us time and time again that most pitchers flail and miss wildly like Mr. Shields, or turn sideways and fall over a la Pedro Martinez. Or how about that time blog-tributor Ryan got kneed in the face? Remember that? (Sidenote: Ryan you can't get on me for not helping you in that fight, I got punched in the face, you can however blame Garnett, or Kyle who has proven quite clearly he is a liability when drinking)
To test my hypothesis I want to go to a bar that has one of those sweet punching bag games to see if punching from the pitching wind-up generates more force, and also to play that stacking blocks game because it is fun and last time I was this close to winning a mini-IPod (WSIPOD).
After the results become public knowledge I imagine pitchers will at least try the pitching windup power punch when charged, I mean even if it misses everyone jumps in so fast it won't matter.
Everyone except RA Dickey that is, both because knuckleball pitchers don't get charged too often, and also because his windup is slow, girlish looking, and balk inducing. Go Jays.
Addendum: My predicted Rance Mulliniks response to being asked to party with the DoodleBops was awkward silence, sadly I was incorrect.
i have never been more confused than i am right now. way to go.
You thought baseball innings had a time limit, air-go the fact you are confused is not surprising in the least.
pfft, see if i ever leave YOU a comment... other than this one.
It's an inside joke.
Were you not anonymous maybe you would be in on the exciting world of Ryanandbrent.
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